Monday 14 February 2011

Beer Porn - Starvation Point Porter

I'm pretty pleased with this although I'm not sure I'll brew to this recipe again. The smokiness isn't too much but the beer is a little thinner than I'd like. If I were to brew this one again I think I would find a way to thicken the beer up a little and perhaps dry hop with some Fuggles. I like the First Gold and EKG combo but I think a porter needs Fuggles. 


  1. I know I'm in danger of sounding like a stuck record here, but is that through the beer engine? Beer engine with sparkler might help to smooth it out a bit and give the appearence of a fuller body?

    Just a thought.

  2. And an excellent thought.

    I will get sparkler soon. Indeed I will have to put the beer engine intro action as I now have all four kegs on the go. The main problem for me has been keeping the beer engine clean; the beer line into it seems to require cleaning much more often than the T-bar.
